Protection of God's Children

At All Saints Catholic Church and All Saints Youth Ministry, keeping young people safe is our number one priority. We are committed to the Diocesan policy for the Safety and Protection of Children and Youth which requires that all clergy, employees, and adult volunteers who have contact with children complete criminal background checks and attend a live training seminar called “Protecting God’s Children.”

The Diocese of Arlington provides numerous opportunities to attend a one-time 4 hour training. By becoming aware of the warning signs of abuse, by paying attention and working together, we create an environment at All Saints where our youth are protected and safe. This training is helpful for all adults and parents. 

For detailed instructions on how to complete the process of becoming Virtus compliant, please read the following:

  1. Youth Ministry Adult Volunteer Checklist 
  2. Volunteer Background Check Instructions 
  3. Virtus Training Registration Instructions

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Cristina Jimenez, All Saints’ Coordinator of Child Protection, at [email protected]. Let her know you wish to be a Youth Ministry volunteer.