2025 Catholic Heart Workcamp

June 22-27, 2025: Open to 8th-11th graders
WHERE: Drexel Hill, PA
Teens will be staying at Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast Catholic HS in Drexel Hill. Service projects are performed throughout the local community. Service could be home repair or working with individuals in need.
WHO MAY ATTEND: Current 8th-11th Grade Teens (2024-2025 School Year)
All participants must be fully registered with All Saints Youth Ministry. Space is limited. This is a first, come first serve basis. Registered All Saints Family member will confirm first.
WHAT HAPPENS: Service centered in Dynamic Faith & Fun
Hundreds of teens spend a week of intentional service together while also being filled up spiritually at amazing programs throughout the week! Staying in a local school, teens from around the country build friendships in a solid Catholic setting.
QUESTIONS: Contact Rob at 571-516-3160 or [email protected].
REGISTER NOW: https://allsaintsyouthministry.org/highschool/workcamp/wcregistration/